Travel Unity has curated two sets of DEI Standards:
In 2020, Travel Unity assembled over 100 individuals and organizations from inside and outside the travel industry to collaboratively create living standards for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the world of travel and tourism.
These standards are meant to engage the travel industry in an ongoing dialogue and encourage the sharing of best practices in DEI.
In 2023/2024, we undertook our standards revisions process, following best practice for review every 3-5 years. We have updated our initial DEI Standards for Organizations to incorporate learnings from the last several years and ensure they remain relevant and impactful in an evolving landscape. The current version reflects valuable feedback from stakeholders and integrates best practices for applied DEI in the travel and tourism industry.
In all cases, local law supersedes any of the below criteria. Those seeking certification to demonstrate alignment with these standards can clarify their specific legal restraints as needed.
Looking for just an overview of the Standards?
Please review the intro deck.
i) The organization’s mission statement defines the organization's work in relation to the people it serves.
ii) The organization’s mission statement is readily accessible, including in the organization's online presence.
i) The organization’s DEI commitment directly relates to the organization’s mission.
ii) The organization’s DEI commitment considers a diverse range of identities and abilities.
iii) The organization’s DEI commitment statement is readily accessible, including in the organization's online presence.
i) The organization regularly includes DEI-related topics in staff meetings and other relevant internal discussions.
ii) The organization regularly considers relevant perspectives and opinions as part of decision-making processes.
iii)The organization is committed to hiring a diverse workforce.
iv) The organization is committed to diversity in organizational leadership, including the Board of Directors and other comparable bodies.
i) Salaries are based on defined standards.
ii) Offers within a salary range are determined based on experience, skills, and other pre-defined factors.
iii) Employee pay scales are regularly reviewed.
iv) The organization follows a protocol for negotiating pay and benefits.
i) Employee benefits are regularly reviewed.
ii) Employees have the opportunity to provide input about the benefits they receive.
iii) The organization has a gratuity and gift policy.
i) Job postings are reviewed by relevant employees prior to the role being posted.
ii) Job postings clearly distinguish between required and preferred qualifications.
iii) Job postings include information about the organization's mission and DEI commitment.
iv) Job postings include clear information on where work will be conducted (remote, fully in-office, or hybrid).
i) The organization follows a protocol on how internal versus external candidates are considered for open roles.
ii) Job postings are placed in channels accessible to people of different identities and abilities.
iii) Candidates are provided relevant information on the interview and hiring process/timeline.
iv) Reasonable accommodations are provided to job applicants with disabilities.
v) The organization monitors how changes to job postings and posting channels affect the applicant pool, and it adjusts accordingly.
vi) Candidates are informed in a timely manner if they are not going to be offered a role.
i) Job interviews are requested based on candidates’ alignment with the qualifications outlined in job postings.
ii) Individuals involved in recruitment, both employees and contractors, are trained in implicit bias.
iii) Interviews include predetermined questions to allow for standardized comparison of candidates.
iv) Interviewers have the option to ask additional questions as appropriate during an interview.
v) Interviewees are invited to ask questions throughout the interview process.
vi) Multiple people from the organization are involved in the interview process for management and leadership roles.
vii) Positions are offered to the candidates most qualified for the roles, based on pre-established criteria.
i) Organization-wide policies are consolidated in an Employee Handbook.
ii) The organization's mission statement and DEI commitment are included in the Employee Handbook.
iii) The organization's ethical standards and whistleblower policy are included in the Employee Handbook.
iv) Information on topics related to health, safety, and security are included in the Employee Handbook.
v) Employee review policies are outlined in the Employee Handbook.
vi) Discipline and termination policies are outlined in the Employee Handbook.
vii)The organization’s upward feedback protocol is outlined in the Employee Handbook.
viii) A sick leave policy that supports both physical and mental health is outlined in the Employee Handbook.
ix) Family leave and work sabbatical policies are outlined in the Employee Handbook.
x) The Employee Handbook is regularly updated.
i) New employees are provided training in topics addressed in the Employee Handbook.
ii) An orientation/training process introduces new employees to their roles, work environment(s), and relevant co-workers.
iii) Employees are informed of appropriate channels to share work-related concerns, including channels in addition to their direct manager(s).
iv) New employees are offered an opportunity to request reasonable accommodations to complete their duties.
v) New employees are introduced to the organization’s DEI initiatives.
vi) New employees are trained in the importance of DEI in their roles.
vii) New employees are offered an opportunity to provide feedback on the interview and onboarding process.
i) Employees regularly receive feedback and guidance to help them develop within their roles.
ii) The organization provides training/development programs and/or flex time to help employees grow professionally.
iii) Employees have access to an up-to-date organizational chart.
i) Relevant employees set a process and criteria for reviews.
ii) Formal employee reviews include both performance evaluation and goal-setting.
iii) Employees have a minimum of one formal review per year.
iv) There is a process for both employees and managers to share performance feedback.
v) The organization maintains a secure record of all employee reviews.
i) Relevant employees set a process and criteria for employee recognition, rewards, disciplinary actions, and termination.
ii) The organization maintains secure records of employee recognition, rewards, disciplinary actions, and termination.
i) The organization follows a protocol to avoid biases when considering career advancement.
ii) Internal career growth pathways are defined and recommended as appropriate to employees.
iii) Reviews for promotions include both performance evaluation and goal-setting.
iv) Employees have an opportunity to provide feedback about their experiences in the roles that they are departing.
i) Staff input is invited and considered regarding the organization’s programs, policies, and procedures.
ii) Reasonable accommodations are provided to employees with disabilities, both in regular workspaces and as needed for work-related travel.
iii) The organization supports the creation of voluntary, employee-led affinity, special interest, and/or employee resource groups.
iv) Employees are invited to share demographic information.
i) Employees are provided information that affects the overall organization, along with opportunities to ask questions and discuss.
ii) Employees are provided information relevant to their roles, along with opportunities to ask questions and discuss.
iii) Departments conduct regular all-department meetings.
iv) There are processes for departments to share relevant information with other departments.
v) The organization has crisis response plans that are shared with relevant individuals, with accompanying training.
i) Employees are not pressured to deliver more than the standard requirements of their role.
ii) There are clear and balanced expectations on both availability for additional work and responsiveness outside of normal work hours.
iii) Flex time and/or leave options are offered for full-time employees to balance their personal and professional lives.
i) Employees are provided channels beyond their direct manager to report if they are having difficulty in their roles.
ii) The organization follows a protocol to arrange reasonable accommodations for employees with physical or mental health conditions.
iii)The organization has regular dialogues with employees regarding changes in role expectations for those who are filling in for absent employees.
i) Voluntarily departing employees are offered an exit interview that includes an opportunity to share input on DEI-related concerns.
ii) Exit interviews include predetermined questions to allow for standardized comparison of experiences.
iii) The organization follows a protocol to process input from exit interviews.
iv)The organization tracks its employee retention rate.
i) Former employees are provided channels to communicate constructive feedback at any time after their employment.
ii) The organization follows a protocol to process feedback from former employees.
i) The organization complies with relevant laws and regulations.
ii) The organization keeps records of relevant permits and comparable documents.
i) The organization applies environmental standard operating procedures that align with both best practices and applicable laws, as demonstrated by internal documentation and/or an outside assessment.
ii)The organization is dedicated to developing and implementing sustainable consumption practices.
iii) The organization itself does not impede local access to water, energy, or other natural resources.
i) Leadership monitors relevant social and political issues at local, national, and global levels.
ii) Leadership actively seeks feedback from staff around engagement with local community organizations.
iii) The organization supports employees volunteering in the local community.
i) The organization monitors issues that impact residents’ well-being.
ii) The organization is involved in direct discussions with local
residents regarding issues that impact local access to shared public spaces.
iii)The organization engages with relevant groups and communities regarding products that relate to diasporan, local, and/or Indigenous cultures.
i) The organization regularly reviews stakeholder relationships.
ii) Sufficient staff time is allocated to engaging with stakeholders.
iii) Relevant information about stakeholders is shared with employees.
iv) The organization provides opportunities for stakeholders to share feedback.
v) There are examples of actions and strategic planning inspired by stakeholder input.
vi) DEI initiatives are regularly communicated to stakeholders.
i) The organization regularly reviews supply chain relationships.
ii) Sufficient staff time is allocated to engaging with members of the organization’s supply chain.
iii) Relevant information about supply chain members is shared with employees.
iv) The organization provides opportunities for members of its supply chain to share feedback.
v) There are examples of actions and strategic planning inspired by members of the organization’s supply chain.
vi) DEI initiatives are regularly communicated to members of the organization’s supply chain.
i) The organization invites current and potential members of its supply chain to identify as diverse suppliers.
ii) The organization determines identities that are underrepresented in its supply chain.
iii) Diverse-owned businesses are considered during the procurement process.
iv)The organization’s procurement policy includes consideration of suppliers’ DEI practices.
i) The organization shares information about job openings with relevant local partners.
ii) The organization engages with job fairs and similar events.
i) The organization provides opportunities for employees to appear as guest speakers at educational institutions.
ii) The organization takes part in surveys and studies conducted by educational institutions.
i) The organization provides work-based learning opportunities to local students, through its own initiatives and/or through collaboration with schools and other organizations.
ii) The organization facilitates at least one youth worksite visit per year, arranged in coordination with schools and/or other organizations.
i) The organization is involved with trade organizations, destination organizations, chambers of commerce, and/or similar bodies that engage in advocacy and education.
ii) The organization engages in thought leadership around applied DEI in travel.
i) Training addresses both general and specific concerns that pertain to the organization’s target markets, including relevant information on cultural, social, and political issues.
ii) Traveler feedback is regularly analyzed and is utilized as part of training.
iii) There is a record of past training.
i) The organization provides direct contact channels for travelers.
ii) The organization follows a protocol for responding to traveler outreach.
i) There are multiple methods to make a booking.
ii) Multiple payment methods are available.
iii) Reasonable accommodations are available during the booking process.
iv) Relevant booking details, especially regarding disability accommodations, are included in booking confirmations.
v) Booking confirmations include relevant information on how travelers can address additional needs.
i) The organization shares a clearly written privacy policy.
ii) There are options for travelers to opt into and out of receiving communication.
i) Business entrances have welcoming signage.
ii) Employees are trained and empowered to address traveler needs, especially regarding disability.
iii) Employees are trained to provide information to help travelers safely continue their journeys.
iv) Travelers are invited to provide feedback during and/or after departure.
i) The organization provides channels for travelers to receive support in urgent situations, along with alternate options.
ii)The organization determines the level of urgency of traveler needs and addresses relevant needs in a timely manner.
iii) Employees are empowered to connect travelers with relevant internal staff and/or external organizations to address traveler needs.
i) A diverse pool of current and potential traveler profiles are considered when assessing the overall traveler experience.
ii) Immediate and long-term planned adjustments to the built environment are assessed using DEI benchmarks.
i) The organization provides clear methods for how travelers can provide feedback.
ii) The organization provides the contact information of multiple representatives, including direct phone numbers and actively maintained email addresses.
i) Internal communications are in line with the organization’s DEI commitment.
ii) Employees tasked with media appearances receive training in the organization’s DEI messaging.
iii) The organization maintains channels for dialogue with the media.
iv) The organization follows a protocol for initiating contact with and responding to the media.
i) Current markets are analyzed through market research, including industry data, surveys, focus groups, and/or other means.
ii) Potential audiences are analyzed through market research, including industry data, surveys, focus groups, and/or other means.
i) Media collateral accurately represents the products and services of the organization.
ii) All media collateral is regularly analyzed using DEI benchmarks.
iii)The collateral analysis considers the needs and interests of current and potential markets, including travelers of diverse identities and abilities.
iv) Representation of diverse identities and abilities is considered in the analysis.
v) Representation of local communities and products is considered in the analysis.
vi) Relevant employees within the organization and contracted marketing agencies are made aware of the analysis.
i) The evaluation considers both diversity of products and representation of diverse identities and abilities.
ii) Relevant employees within the organization and contracted marketing agencies are made aware of the evaluation.
i) The campaign's intended message and desired audience are clearly defined.
ii) Audience demographics of outlets for both earned and paid media are considered in campaign messaging and delivery.
iii) There is a framework for evaluating campaign results.
iv) Relevant employees within the organization and contracted marketing agencies are made aware of the evaluation.
i) Campaigns that directly refer to specific groups utilize input from representatives of those groups.
ii) Launch dates and other aspects of campaign launches are planned with cultural and historical considerations in mind.
iii) Campaign adjustments are possible when issues arise regarding concerns related to identity.
iv) Products and partners promoted around specific holidays/commemorations are also promoted at other points during the year.
i) Campaign results are evaluated against initial and adjusted targets.
ii) Relevant employees within the organization and contracted marketing agencies are made aware of the evaluation.
i) The organization communicates with relevant government officials to address specific concerns faced by travelers from legally protected and/or historically marginalized groups.
ii) The organization is actively involved in external forums that address concerns experienced by travelers from legally protected and/or historically marginalized groups.
iii) The organization is engaged with community groups that address concerns faced by travelers from legally protected and/or historically marginalized groups.
iv) The organization communicates its implementation of applied DEI to its stakeholders and supply chain.
Consider contributing as little or as much as you can. Every dollar donated goes toward making travel more inclusive for people of all background.
Travel Unity
EIN: 81-2999166
50 Memorial Plaza Unit 128
Pleasantville, NY 10570
212- 923-7704
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