As we live in an unjust world that needs many corrections, DEI efforts can be primarily focused on the needs of marginalized and under-represented communities. However, in the workplace, where inherent power dynamics play a significant role, we need to broaden our view of DEI's role in belonging. While it’s essential to address the specialized concerns and needs of underrepresented groups, anyone within an organization can feel excluded if appropriate procedures are not in place.
Certainly, low pay is a major reason people leave jobs. According to a
2022 Pew Research study, 63% of people listed pay as a reason they quit a job in 2021. But that's only part of the story. Rounding out the top three reasons, 63% felt they had no opportunity for advancement and 57% felt disrespected at work.
People feel disrespected in the workplace when they are left out of decision-making processes and information sharing, as well as when they are subject to job creep.
Too often, organizations fail to convey important information effectively, leading to misunderstandings and a sense of exclusion. Employees who frequently feel left out of critical conversations or who are not part of the process around decisions that impact their work will not feel respected. Effective communication is foundational to an inclusive workplace culture where everyone feels informed and valued.
Job creep can be a gradual or relatively quick process, depending on the circumstances. It's easy to expect high-performing staff to do more than their colleagues. When a member of the team leaves - or is fired - someone needs to take on those responsibilities. But what happens to the employee who is left carrying the weight? Yes, they might deserve additional payment and a new title but at the very least, they should be informed if this is a temporary or permanent change.
To create more equitable workplaces and improve retention rates, organizations need to ensure that everyone is kept in the loop and able to be heard. Inclusion is about inclusion, which leads to belonging, which is necessary for productivity and retention.
A.4.a. The organization promotes belonging in the workplace.
i) Staff input is invited and considered regarding the organization’s programs, policies, and procedures.
ii) Reasonable accommodations are provided to employees with disabilities, both in regular workspaces and as needed for work-related travel.
iii) The organization supports the creation of voluntary, employee-led affinity, special interest, and/or employee resource groups.
iv) Employees are invited to share demographic information.
A.4.b. The organization shares relevant information with staff.
i) Employees are provided information that affects the overall organization, along with opportunities to ask questions and discuss.
ii) Employees are provided information relevant to their roles, along with opportunities to ask questions and discuss.
iii) Departments conduct regular all-department meetings.
iv) There are processes for departments to share relevant information with other departments.
v) The organization has crisis response plans that are shared with relevant individuals, with accompanying training.
A.4.c. The organization promotes work/life balance and well-being for employees.
i) Employees are not pressured to deliver more than the standard requirements of their role.
ii) There are clear and balanced expectations on both availability for additional work and responsiveness outside of normal work hours.
iii) Flex time and/or leave options are offered for full-time employees to balance their personal and professional lives.
A.4.d. The organization follows a protocol when employees are not able to perform their duties.
i) Employees are provided channels beyond their direct manager to report if they are having difficulty in their roles.
ii) The organization follows a protocol to arrange reasonable accommodations for employees with physical or mental health conditions.
iii) The organization has regular dialogues with employees regarding changes in role expectations for those who are filling in for absent employees.