Travel should be for everyone.

Founded in 2016, Travel Unity is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit.

We're making the world of travel welcoming to people of all backgrounds. Here's how:

Industry Initiatives

 We help visitor-facing organizations begin and strengthen their DEI work.

Our Industry Programs

Youth Development Programs

We expose under-represented youth to travel as an activity and possible career.

Our Youth Program

Our Mission

Travel Unity’s mission is to make the world of travel welcoming to people of all backgrounds and identities. We do this by educating the travel industry and cultivating connections with marginalized communities.

Our Vision

We envision a global travel industry that welcomes everyone and creates environments for staff, visitors, and local communities to all feel seen, heard, and respected.


Travel Unity organizes its own events and engages in the events of others. These events include summits, masterclasses, and more.

Stay tuned for event announcements coming soon!

Upcoming Events

Who We Serve



Travel Unity convenes Summits and works with partners on educational events throughout the year to educate the industry on best practices for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Our Industry Programs

Youth & Collegiate

Travel Unity works with career and technical education (CTE) programs in high schools, as well as other school and after-school programs.

Our Youth Program

Workforce Initiatives

Travel Unity works with community organizations and government agencies to introduce travel as a possible career path.

Our Workforce Initiatives

Are you dedicated to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment in the travel industry?

Make a difference by signing the pledge.


Travel can unite and connect people, provided we are open to listening and growing.

This pledge is for individuals who believe that the world of travel should be welcoming to people of all backgrounds and abilities.

Sign the Individual Pledge


We have outlined key guiding principles for industry members committed to making the world of travel welcoming for everyone.

If your organization wants to commit to these principles, click below to learn more.

Sign the Industry Pledge

Get Certified

We offer certifications based on our DEI Standards to ensure that all travel industry members are equipped with the knowledge and proficiency to make people of all backgrounds feel welcome.


The Travel Unity Individual Certificate is for entry and mid-level travel professionals.

Learn More about TUIC


The Travel DEI Practitioner Program is  for travel professionals in management roles.

Learn More about TDP


The Certified Diversity Travel Professional program is for executive-level travel professionals.

Learn more about CDTP

Join the Alliance!

The Travel Unity Alliance brings together organizations and individuals serious about applied DEI to provide them with connections, resources, and a space to explore these topics.


Annual Reports & Digital Magazines

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